We know that sometimes you need help solving a design issue and our highly trained professionals have the knowledge and experience to help you turn your idea into a reality. We’re proud to welcome Jeff Kolasinski to our team. Jeff joined Torque Transmission in October 2015 and was previously a Project Engineer in the Petrochemical Processing Industry. He’s now ready to help Torque customer’s with his expertise, from engineering assistance to new design development.
Q. What do you feel makes Torque Transmission different than other suppliers?
A. Each production team member assumes the role of manager, problem solver, and decision maker. This team knows how to accept responsibility. Our customers can know that through every step of production, they have someone ensuring quality and on time delivery of their order.
Q. What do you enjoy the most about working at Torque?
A. I enjoy the diverse range of Engineering projects, from maintaining and improving the current product lineup to new product development.
Q. How would you describe the team at Torque?
A. Each individual’s vast professional experience provides a dynamic aspect, setting the course for our future by reaching goals and overcoming challenges.
The Engineering Department at Torque Transmission is here to help you.
Posted by
Torque Transmission
This post was published on December 22, 2015 and updated on December 22, 2015.
Topics: Torque Turns